Saturday, July 24, 2010

Medicine Cat Apprentice

This is where Ridgepaw will be accepted into StarClan for the first time!!!


  1. Nestflame smiled as the entered to MoonCave, "So here is how it goes, look at the pebbles around, pick up the one that is glowing, this pebble is glowing speacial for you," he looked over at the pebble that was glowing for him, he wanted to talk to StarClan, but not tonight,


  2. *Ridgepaw nodded, and looked into the stream. he saw a small pebble lightly reflecting the moons rays. His eyes lightened, and he reached in and grabbed the pebble. Then, he waited on what to do next.*


  3. Nestflame smiled and went to the large rock on the cave "Put your pebble n the stream here,"


  4. *Ridgepaw lightly leaped over the stream, and walked up the rock. He looked around, his eyes bright. He placed the pebble in the small stream.*

    Now what!


  5. Nestflame leapt over the stream padding up to the still pool "Is it your wish to learn the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"


  6. *Ridgepaw shook with excitement.*

    It is!


  7. Nestflame purred "Then Warriors of Starclan, I present you with this apprentice. He has chosen the path of a medicine cat.Grant him your wisdom and insight so that he may understand your ways and heal his clan in accordance with your will." Nestflame rested his chin on Ridgepaw's head and Ridgepaw licked his shoulder "Now, go to the pool, StarClan will be waiting to come to you." Nestflame padded to a corner and smiled encouraginly at Ridgepaw


  8. *Ridgepaw took a deep breath, and placed his paw in the warm water, on top of the pebble, before slipping into StarClan.*


  9. Nestflame sighed. He looked at his apprentice, he would be a great medicine cat, but he would never give up on Rosepaw, she was still out there and she would come back. He sighed, wishing he could speak with StarClan "Good Luck Ridgepaw," he whispered before curling up and closing his eyes


  10. (Nestflame CAN speak with StarClan... BOTH mentor and apprentice speak....)

    *Ridgepaw opened his eyes to find himself in a large clearing. A large stone stood in the center. Ridgepaw looked up, and around. He then noticed starry figures Gathering around. Then, a small, gray and white apprentice stepped forward. The tom dipped his head.*

    Welcome Ridgepaw. Welcome to StarClan. Your journey as a medicine cat, has begun.

    *The tom smiled.*

    My name is Littlepaw, second medicine car of LakeClan. I was killed before I could receive my full name. Hopefully, you have a better fate then me.

    *Littlepaw laughed.*

    But we know you will. It was my time, and your time isn't for a long time.

    *Ridgepaw smiled, noticing that his name was faintly being chanted by the other StarClan cats.*

    T-thank-you Littlepaw!

    *Littlepaw looked behind him at a golden she-cat with vivid green eyes, and a dark gray and white tom with dark green eyes. The tom nodded, and spoke quietly.*

    Go ahead Littlepaw. You know what to do.

    *The she-cat also nodded.*

    Speak your words, my old apprentice.

    *Littlepaw smiled. Littlepaw's like any other apprentice! Looking to his mentor or guidance. Ridgepaw smiled at the thought, then he heard Littlepaw take a breath.*

    Ridgepaw, trust the Bluesky. Join with the flaming nest, and the dawning rose. The Blueksy knows the way. Remember this.

    *Ridgepaw tilted his head, and was about to ask a question when Littlepaw continued to speak.*

    A Bluesky comes, covering all it passes. Sending off it's mysterious messages. Death is near.

    *Littlepaw nodded, the apprentice's eyes filled with knowledge. Then, Ridgepaw found himself beside the small pool in the MoonCave. Ridgepaw leaped up.*

    Nestflame! Nestflame! Nestflame!

    *Ridgepaw's eyes were filled with worry, and wonder.*


  11. (lol)

    Nestflame opened his eyes "What is it Ridgepaw?"


  12. (lol. :P Flaming Nest, Nestflame, Dawning Rose, Rosedawn, once she gets full name. :) )

    *Ridgepaw took a breath, then spoke quite fast.*



  13. Nestflame nodded "So you think you recived a prophecy? What did the prophecy say?"


  14. *Ridgepaw shivered, and repeated the prophecy.*

    A Bluesky comes, covering all it passes. Sending off it's mysterious messages. Death is near.

    I met Littlepaw, and apprentice. H-he said to trust the Bluesky, and join with the flaming nest, and the dawning rose...

    *Ridgepaw looked at Nestflame to see that he was startled.*


  15. Nestflame looked around

    Bluesky! That was the prophecy I recived! Bluegaze and Everlight... but Flaming Nest and Dawning Rose... I wonder what that means...

    "Ridgepaw, I got that same prophecy when I was an apprentice, my first time visiting StarClan!" he siad in barely more than a whisper


  16. *Ridgepaw's eyes widened.*

    R-really!? W-what does it mean!?


    (haha. Silly/a little stupid Nestflame. Flaming Nest. Dawning Rose. haha.)

  17. (:P He'll giure it out quickly and he doesn't know Rosy's warrior name :P he'll have his suspiosions tho)

    "It has to do with Everlight and Bluegaze, but thats all I know,"

    Wait, Flaming Nest, That must be me! So he has to join with me and a Dawning Rose... Rosepaw.... maybe, I don't know...

  18. (Nestflame should be able to figure out the dawning Rose too, cause when he first came, StarClan said to join together with Rosepaw. :P )

    *Ridgepaw tilted his head.*

    Why Bluegaze and Everlight?


  19. "I don't know, we'll have to talk to Dreamstar, and about the joining with the Flaming Nest and Dawning Rose, that would be me, and I think Rosepaw,"


  20. *Ridgepaw tilted his head.*

    Who' Rosepaw? I've heard about her... at my ceremony... and a few other places... but who is she?


    (hahahahahahaha! Dream is dying in 3 days! :P They'll barely be able to talk to her! They'll have to talk to Markstar. hahahahaha)

  21. (:P)

    Nestflame sighed "She was the medicine cat apprentice with me... she left a little while before I got my full warrior name... and she hasn't come back since,"


  22. *Ridgepaw looked away.*

    Oh. Is that what dreamstar meant that she was dead, or never coming back? How long has she been gone?

    (haha. Longer then 6 moons! At least 9 or more. Probably around 10... wow. Almost a year. Maybe more then a year! sort of. haha. 'Cept it was only New-Leaf/green-leaf. :P Cause Markspirit is a warrior, her kits are apprentice, Ridgepaw is an apprentice...)

  23. Nestflame sighed "Many, many moons."


  24. *Ridgepaw sighed.*

    What happened to her?


  25. "Well, she went out of camp, then I found blood on the BlackClan border that was hers, I think she is being held prisoner there"


  26. *Ridgepaw looked at the ground.*

    Is she dead? What does she look like?


  27. "I don't think she's dead, but Dreamstar does... and she was cream colored with blue eyes"


  28. *Ridgepaw closed his eyes and tried to think of all the cats he had seen. He opened his eyes.*

    I don't think I saw her. I... think I scented her scent before, in the medicine cat den. There was very stale scent of some cat. It smelled like LakeClan... but... sort of like something else. It smelled a bit sour.

    *Ridgepaw wrinkled his nose at the memory of the scent.*


    (Nestflame should be like, "another scent?" Then like, wonder. Cause Rosepaw would have been with Icycurrent, so she would have BlackClan scent on her also....)

  29. (ya,)

    "Another scent... I dont know what that would have been, I'll look into that, but you might have scented Rosepaw, in there"


  30. *Ridgepaw nodded.*

    but it smelled... sour? What scents smell sour?


  31. Nestflame narrowed his eyes "Um, BlackClan's scent is very sour,"


  32. *Ridgepaw's eyes widened.*

    I've never smelled BlackClan scent. But the scents in the den smelled sour...


  33. "Why would BlackClan scent be in our den?" Nestf;ame wodered alouf


  34. *Ridgepaw shrugged.*

    It was mixed with 'Rosepaw's' scent...


  35. *Ridgepaw looked at Nestflame.*

    You've never noticed it before?


  36. "I was too busy trying to convince myself she was coming back, Ridgepaw, I never notcied..." he sighed "I was foolish..."


  37. *Ridgepaw looked confused.*

    No. She was your friend...


  38. Nestflame sighed "But, I never realized what was right in front of me... i buried myself in my work when she left, I dwelled in my loss selfishly,"


  39. *Ridgepaw looked down.*

    No. You helped your clan. You were a sole medicine cat. That must be hard.


  40. Nestflame shrugged "It is... I guess, but this is my true path, being a medicine cat is my calling, as it was Rosepaws and as is yours,"


  41. *Ridgepaw nodded.*

    Maybe Rosepaw will come back today. You've never seen her in StarClan. Surely she would have come to you if she was in StarClan.


  42. Nestflame smiled "That would be nice,"


  43. *Ridgepaw laughed.*


  44. Nestflame purred "Thank-you Ridgepaw,"


  45. *Ridgepaw smiled.*



  46. Nestflame laughed then he sighed "I'm still suspisious about this prophecy, It doesn't sound too happy, I wonder if, the Bluesky... is going to give us the message soon"


  47. *Ridgepaw nodded.*

    ya. But what WILL happen if Rosepaw comes back?

    *he looked at nestflame with worry.*


  48. Rosepaw padded up to the entrance of the MoonCave with Icycurrent and Erol behind her. "Well... we're here. Follow me." Rosepaw meowed quietly. She padded in, but quickly stopped. A vaguely familiar black and white tom with vibrant blue eyes sat with a young ginger tom, about six moons. Rosepaw stared at the two toms for a minute, and her eyes brightened. "Nestpaw- no, Nestflame." Rosepaw smiled warmly, trying to contain her excitement.

  49. *Ridgepaw looked down. His eyes widened in alarm.*



  50. Nestflame looked back a she-cat was standing there, he vaugley recognized her "Hey." he blinked trying to figure out where he recognizd her from


  51. Rosepaw sighed, but smiled. "Oh, come on. I used to be your denmate!" Rosepaw smiled.

  52. *Ridgepaw narrowed his eyes. Then, he recognized the scent. Of the she-cat, AND the ginger tom. He gasped.*



  53. Nestflame's eyes widened in recgnition "Rosepaw!!!" he purred rushing over to hr in excitement "Y-your here!"


  54. Rosepaw purred. "I wouldn't leave without telling you. I would never do that." Rosepaw smiled.


  55. *Ridgepaw shuffled his paws. Would he still be medicine cat?*


    *Icycurrent started to back away slightly. He felt uncomfortable. No cats knew about him and Rosepaw.*


  56. Nestflame purred then he noticed the tom, he smelt of BlackClan, the deputy? "What is the BlackClan depity doing here?" he spat


  57. *Icycurrent flattened his ears to his head, and hissed.*


  58. Rosepaw sighed. "BlackClan deputy, what, 10 moons ago? Believe mem his time in BlackClan is way over." ROsEpaw glanced at Icycurrent, hoping she said the right things.

  59. *Icycurrent narrowed his eyes.*

    My names Icycurrent, but ya. Like Rosepaw said. But there's more too it.

    *His icy blue eyes shot to Nestflame. He growled lightly.*

    We're mates.


    (very smooth Icy. very smooth. :P )

  60. (ugh that was supposed to be before Ivy said that lol)

    Nestflame blinked "Um, Oh..."


  61. Rosepaw sighed. "Yeah..." she mumbled. "That's why I was gone... I was with him. And the first part was actually being captured in BlackClan... And almost being killed... by a bunch of adders..." Rosepaw carefully avoided the part about Boulderflame because she knew it wouldn't make Icycurrent very happy, but she already knew he wasn't. "After that, we went to a place by a river, and ran into BlackClan a few times, and know.... well, know we're coming back." Rosepaw's gaze dropped to the ground. She left out the part about the kits, too.


  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. *Icycurrent sighed.*

    Oh. She's not telling you all of it.
    We left. BlackClan followed us. A few at least. Then, the captured us. Thornstar wanted me dead. So he killed me. Then, StarClan let me come back. Rosepaw was thrown into a pit. But I had to wait a while until I was better. Then, my brother, Boulderflame, devised a plan to get us out. Thornstar had decided to throw adders into Rosepaw's pit. before he could do that, Boulderflame stopped Brambletalon, and got Rosepaw out. Then, me and Rosepaw ran. Boulderflame tried to follow, then Thornstar killed him. We ran.

    They didn't follow us. Then, we made a mini camp. Quite nice actually. We caught prey, and lived nicely. Then, Rosepaw told me some news.

    *Icycurrent shot his eyes at Rosepaw. She didn't want him to say this. He smiled slyly.*

    Some great news actually. She was expecting kits. So, then she had four kits. Bluekit, Mossykit, Mistykit and Sunnykit. Yep. You may know them.

    So. Then, this cat here-

    *Icycurrent flicked his tail to Erol*

    -came. I knew what his destiny was. Around that time, me and Rosepaw were fighting, a lot. Then, we got in a big fight. we said some nasty things. Sunnykit was there, and she ran back to her siblings, and Erol. They ran away, to an island. It was raining, so it was hard to follow them. Then, we met up with Fierypaw at our mini-camp. He attacked me, and Rosepaw. Then found out about the kits. he left to tell his leader Stormystar, since Thornstar had died. Then, we fled, and found the kits. But Fierypaw came then too. He was leader, Fierystar now. The den the kits and Erol were in, collapsed slightly. I killed some cats. Erol told the kits to run, and he made a back entrance, then covered it up. Fierystar found Erol, and hurt his paw. Then me and Fierystar fought quite brutally. Quite fun actually. Then, Fierystar left. I had been bruised up pretty well. So I had to heal. Then, a kit, Soul found us. This kit told us our kits were in LakeClan. So, then a little while later, we left, and I persuaded Rosepaw to come here to get her full name. The. End.


  64. Nestflame nodded talking all this in. "Um, congradulations..." he muttered


  65. Rosepaw blinked. She stared at all four toms. "Sorry... I-I guess he's in one of those moods..." Rosepaw mumbled, and started clawing the dust slowly and sadly. She looked at the ground again.


  66. *Icycurrent rolled his eyes, and nudged Rosepaw.*

    What moods? I don't have moods!

    *Icycurrent scoffed playfully.*


  67. Nestflame smiled. "Ya... so...."


  68. Rosepaw blinked. She turned to Icycurrent. "Why don't you go make your little stop with Erol, I need to talk with Nestflame and-" She looked at the young tom. "His apprentice." Rosepaw sighed.


  69. *Ridgepaw slowly padded down the rock, and stood beside Nestflame.*


    *Icycurrent shook his head.*

    Nah. We're fine. We can wait for you.

    *He smiled.*

    So, how are our kits?



  70. "They are now Appretices," Nestflame mewed


  71. Rosepaw gave a fake smile to acknowledge Nestflame, but then looked back at Icycurrent. "No, please, it would be better for all of us if you went and did whatever you were going to do with him. I would like it, and I think everyone else would agree." Rosepaw growled calmly.

  72. *Icycurrent narrowed his eyes.*

    No. I said, I'm fine. I would never let you go back to camp by yourself. It's dangerous around BlackClan territory.


    *Ridgepaw looked at icycurrent.*

    Nestflame, his scent is the scent I smelled with Rosepaw's in the medicine cat den.


  73. Nestflame nodded "His scent was probbly on Rosepaw,"


  74. Rosepaw felt her face getting hotter. "Why don't we just all go." Rosepaw looked at them four toms. "You guys can go do whatever you were doing." She looked at Icycurrent and Erol, then looked at Nestflame and Ridgepaw. "And we'll start walking back to camp, so they can be back for the Gathering." She hoped this time Icycurrent wouldn't be so stubborn.

  75. *Icycurrent rolled his eyes.*

    Why don't you receive your full name first?


  76. "Because. I'm not fully trained yet. Remember, I left before I could finish my training. And if we leave now, they'll barely make it for the Gathering." Rosepaw sighed.


  77. *Icycurrent didn't respond for a while.*

    You are perfectly trained. Get your full name. You're the same age as Nestflame.


  78. Nestflame nodded "You deserve it Rosepaw,"


  79. Rosepaw shook her head. "I don't even think I'm a medicine cat anymore, am I... he's the medicine cat apprentice now, not me, and I don't even deserve to be it. I'm not supposed to have a mate or kits." Rosepaw sighed. "And I'm still not fully trained.


  80. *Icycurrent shook his head.*

    There's nothing wrong with trying. If StarClan accept you, then they accept you. There is no harm done if you try.

    *Icycurrent lifted his head to look up the rock.*



  81. Nestflame nodded "Rosepaw, StarClan told Ridgepaw to join with me and you, remember the prophecy? You have to get your full name,"


  82. Rosepaw hesitated for a moment, "Fine." she finally said. She looked over at the stream. "Nestflame, remember when we were here with Jayflight and I fell into the stream and got scared, even though it was so shallow?" Rosepaw smiled, and padded over to the stream and found a glowing pebble, and brought it over to the pool by the rock. She sighed and placed her paw into the water and onto the pebble, and fell into a light sleep.


  83. *Icycurrebt lied down,and tucked his paws underneath him. Then, he just watched.*


  84. Rosepaw wakes up again in StarClan surrounded by StarClan members.


  85. Rosepaw narrowed her eyes. "Are you going to accept me or do I have to be a warrior..." Rosepaw muttered.


  86. *A golden she-cat steps forward, and Rosepaw immediately recognizes her as Goldenflower.*


    *Goldenflower smiled.*

    Welcome Rosepaw. You are well deserved of a full name. You changed one's destiny: Icycurrent. You also changed Boulderflame's destiny.

    *Rosepaw then noticed the gray tom. He smiled lightly, then Goldenflower spoke again.*

    I, Goldenflower, old medicine cat of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and of all life, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Rosepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan an to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?

    *Rosepaw took a breath.*

    I do.

    *Goldenflower nodded.*

    Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Rosepaw, from this moment you will be known as Rosedawn. StarClan honors your spirit and your faith, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat.

    *Goldenflower stepped forward, and rested her muzzle on Rosedawn's forehead.Rosedawn licked Goldenflower's shoulder respectfully. Then, Goldenflower stepped back. And the other StarClan cats started to chant Rosedawn's new name.*


  87. "B-but, Nestflame's apprentice... doesn't he have my job now?" Rosedawn stuttered.


  88. *Goldenflower smiled.*

    Ridgepaw is a very smart apprentice. But no. The flaming nest, the dawning rose and the feathering ridge must join together and trust the Bluesky.

    You shall be a medicine cat. Your destiny has changed greatly because of Icycurrent. But your doings have allowed us to let you stay a medicine cat. You helped to very wonderful cats follow us. That is very worthy.


  89. Rosedawn nodded. "T-thank you, Goldenflower..."


  90. *Goldenflower nodded.*

    Go now. You have many cats to see. Tonight is the Gathering. I do not know if you will go. But your clan must accept Icycurrent. You have much to do. For they must accept you also. And this Gathering is a last for one cat. One that will be greatly, greatly missed. We are very sad to see this cat die. That is all I may say. Go now. StarClan have accepted you, so shall Dreamstar.

    *Goldenflower dipped her head, and started to fade.*


  91. Rosedawn nodded, and awoke back into the MoonCave. She stood up and shook her fur out.

    "Hi," Rosedawn started. "I'm Rosedawn."


  92. (very subtle. :P )

    *Icycurrent's eyes lightened, and he purred.*

    That's great! So StarClan accepted you!? As what? A medicine cat!?

    *Icycurrent's eyes show excitement for the cat he loved.*

    Wait... does that mean....

    *His eyes soon dimmed, into slight sorrow.*


  93. Rosedawn sighed. "I won't stop loving you, but we just can't be mates anymore..." Rosedawn sighed sadly.


  94. *Icycurrent looked at the ground. For the first time, almost ever, in his whole life, tears came to his eyes. He shook his head slowly, and took a few stuttering stops back, still not looking up. Then, his foot slipped into the stream. That's when he quickly turned around, leaped over the stream, and left.*


    (poor Icy. :( )

  95. "Please don't go..." Rosedawn whispered, but almost knew it was pointless.


  96. *Icycurrent didn't look back. His mind was spinning. Why did I agree to go back!? I knew this would happen... but... I thought... we could still be... Icycurrent winced, and looked around. No one had followed him. He then realized tears were streaming down his face. I never should have got her to leave. This never would have happened.*


  97. Nestflame looked at Rosedawn "R-Rosedawn... why dont you go after him, you can't leave him like that,"


  98. *icycurrent soon colappsed by a river. He closed his eyes, and tried to steady his breathing. When he re-opened his eyes, they were slightly more cold. he growled lightly.*

    Why did I ever believe this would work!? Of course. For once in my life, something goes right. I should've known it wouldn't have lasted.

    *Icycurrent growled. Sorrow mixed with anger in his voice.*


  99. Rosedawn sighed. "But he'll just get angry..." Rosedawn murmured, "I-I might... Why don't you guys go back... don't say anything about me." Rosedawn sighed.


  100. (dawn, I made Dream announce Rose at the Gathering... :/ Ridgepaw will leak the info. :P )

    *Icycurrent clawed the ground, snarling.*


  101. (nvm then :P)

    Rosedawn shook her head. "Never mind." She leaped over the stream and followed Icycurrent's scent until she found him sitting and clawing the dust. "You do know that you can just tell me, and I won't be a medicine cat." Rosedawn choked out the words, not believing she said them.

