Sunday, December 12, 2010


*Nestflame and Ridgepaw padded into the MoonCave, pebbles in their mouths. Nestflame flicked his tail, telling Ridgepaw to go first. Ridgepaw blinked, and padded up the rock. He gently placed his pebble in and nodded to Nestflame, who started the ceremony.*


  1. "I, Nestflame medicine cat of LakeClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve his Clan for many moons. Ridgepaw do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan an to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

    Nestflame smiled at Ridgepaw remembering his own cereomy


  2. *Ridgepaw nodded, his eyes shining.*

    I do.


    (full name is Ridgefeather)

  3. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Ridgepaw, from this moment you will be known as Ridgefeather StarClan honors your dedication and your wisdom and we welcome you as a full medicine cat."

    Nestflame rested his muzzle on top of Ridgefeather's head and Ridgefeather licked his shoulder respectfully. Nestflame smiled at his apprentice


  4. *Ridgefeather smiled, and nodded.*


    *Then he lied down, placing his paw carefully on the pebble, and closed his eyes.*


  5. Nestflame did the same


  6. *Ridgefeather blinked open his eyes and smiled as he looked around the StarClan territory. StarClan cats started to appear, and he saw Littlepaw pad toward him. *

    Greetings. It has been a while. We congratulate you Ridgefeather.

    *Ridgefeather dipped his head.*


    *Littlepaw smiled.*

    Beware, for troubles are coming. Great terror.

    A Bluesky comes, covering all it passes. Sending off it's mysterious messages. Death is near.

    *Littlepaw whispered quietly.*

    It's in front of us now... beware...

    *Ridgefeather's eyes widened, recognizing the prophecy.*

    Littlepaw! What does it mean?

    *But he received no answer as his vision was filled with blood.*

    :~~Ridgefeather, Littlepaw:

  7. Nestflame opened his eyes in StarClan looking around


  8. Rushpaw padded up to Nestflame and he smiled "Hello Rushpaw,"

    Rushpaw nodded "Greetings Nestflame, but I am afraid today's visit isn't a happy one."

    "What do you mean?" Nestflame asked, but Rushpaw did not answer

    "Bewarwe Nestflame, a time of great disaster is near

    A Bluesky comes, covering all it passes. Sending off it's mysterious messages. Death is near. "

    Nestflame froze, the prophecy he had recived so many moons ago when he first became a medicine cat apprentice "Rushpaw. Whats coming? When?" he asked urgency in his voice

    Rushpaw shook her head "I am sorry."

    Red liquid filled his vision and he froze. Blood.


  9. *Ridgefeather jerked awake, shaking. He licked his chest quickly, and spat. The taste... He looked at his chest, and noticed that it was... red... Ridgefeather yowled, and stumbled backwards. He saw his paws were covered in blood, and the usual clear pool was red.*



  10. Nestflame got up and spat out blood, he looked at his pelt stained with blood, he looked at Ridgefeather, seeing him covered in blood to "This is not good. This could be an omen from StarClan. Something deadly."


  11. *Ridgefeather was about to nod, when he felt something hit his nose. Blood. Ridgefeather looked up slowly to the gap in the roof. He crouched on the ground, and he yowled, and continued to looked up in terror. In terror, as a paw was seen through the opening. *


  12. Nestflame's eyes widened in terror "This is awful." he looked at Ridgefeather, looking more like a scared kit than his mentor "This shouldn't be happening."


  13. This isn't from StarClan!

    *Ridgefeather raced out of the cave, and carefully climbed up the side of the Mooncave. Ridgefeather collapsed at the top and wailed as he saw the cat's mangled body. Behind the body, he saw three pairs of eyes, but when he blinked, they were gone. Ridgefeather wailed again.*


  14. Nestflame followed and cried out "This can't be happening!"


  15. *Ridgefeather closed his eyes.*

    I-it's Stormbreak. M-my father...

    *Ridgefeather yowled in anger.*

    Who would do this!? Who would kill him and bring him all the way here!?


  16. Nestflame looked down "This is the evil that will be coming Ridgefeather. Whoever killed your father... they are the ones."


  17. *Ridgefeather shook.*

    Death... W-we better go back...

    *Ridgefeather didn't mention the eyes he had seen, believing they had not actually been there.*


  18. Nestflame nodded "This is terrible. They brought him to StarClan territory...." he shook his head picking up Stormbreak "Lets bring him back to camp."


  19. *Ridgefeather nodded, looking around warily. Then, his body stiffened. He felt claws score his sides, though he saw nobody else there. He then felt claws dig into his neck, and a voice whisper in his ear, though he couldn't make out what the voice said. His legs buckled as the attacker pushed off of him. He groaned as pain flared around his fresh wounds.*



  20. Nestflame ran to his apprentice, he felt his head pounding as StarClan screeched in his head "Beware!"

    "Ridgefeather!" he looked around, glaring "Who hurt you?" he asked getting some marigold to rub on his wounds and pressing cobwebs on his wounds, his fur prickled like something was watching him


  21. *Ridgefeather shook, his eyes widening.*

    W-watch... out...

    *He saw blue eyes behind Nestflame.*


  22. Nestflame hissed "Leave me alone. Whoever you are. I may be a medicine cat but I'm not afraid to fight, you've done enough damage today."


  23. *The shadow laughed, and amber eyes appeared next to it. then icy blue eyes appeared in the middle. No sound was heard, except for the sound of claws on rock*

    :~~Shadows, xP :

  24. The blue-eyes shadow laughed an claws sounded off the rock as the shadow seemed to step closer.


  25. *Ridgefeather squeaked.*

    Run... Nestflame run.


    *The icy blue eyes were suddenly behind Ridgefeather, claws raised, when suddenly there was a steak of colour and a yowl, and the icy blue eyes disappeared. Strong wind suddenly picked up.*

    :~~Icy Blue eyes, mysterious cat:

  26. Nestflame yowled in surprise and he grabbed Ridgefeather's scruff running, the dark-blue eyes gave a small sound, something inbetween a purr and a hiss, they gave chase to Nestflame, and he felt claws score his sides, and a claw sliced at the joint of his front leg, Nestflame cried out, almost dropping Ridgefeather, he skidded on the ground and got up, the pain in his leg unbearable, but only only thing crossed his mind

    get to LakeClan

    ~-~Nestflame/Dark-Blue eyed cat~-~

  27. *The icy blue eyed shadow snarled at the cat who had had attacked him. Amber eyes glinted.*

    Leave. You aren't wanted here!

    *The shadow didn't reply, but simply disappeared beneath the cat's paws, and then appeared in front of Nestflame, eyes shining.*

    :~~Icyblue eyed cat:

  28. Nestflame looked at the cat, blinded by fear, and blood "Who..." he asked


    The dark-blue eyes cat glared and padded back to the others, his claws glinting with blood


  29. *The icy blue eyed cat tilted his head, but only his eyes were seen moving. *

    :~~Icy blue eyed cat:

    *Ridgefeather choked.*

    Run back to camp nestflame... get help...


  30. "I will be right back." he looked and dragged him behind a bush "Be as quiet as you can." he mewed, "And if you die, I will go up to StarClan and drag you back down here. I'm not finished with you yet." he smiled, then ran


    The dark-blue eyes cat looking at the Icy-blue eyed cat with his eyes, he asked

    should I follow?

    ~-~Dark-Blue-Eyed Cat~-~

  31. *The cat with the icy blue eyes were narrowed, then there was a quick nod. I'll be right there after I deal with the other one... Then the eyes were gone.

    The icy blue eyed cat looked down at Ridgefeather, his eyes seemed to smile viciously. A claw extended, tilting Ridgefeather's neck upwards, exposing his neck fully. The cat with the ice blue eyes stroked Ridgefeather's neck with his claws, then, there was yowl, then silence...*


  32. (WHAT?!?!? Is Ridgefeather dead :'( ?)

    The dark-blue eyed cat's eyes flicked around as he took in this seen. He shook his head in disgust but remained silent


  33. (Dunno.)

    *The icy-blue eyed cat, padded up to the dark blue eyed cat. A patrol is coming... we'll stick around for a bit, but I don't want anyone to see our bodies by accident.*

    :~~Icy-blue eyed cat:

  34. (How do u not know?!?! He's ur cat :P :P)

    The dark-blue eyed cat nodded


    he looked around

    Well, that was fun, I havent used my claws for anything that put up a real fight for a while.

    He unsheated his blood stained claws that caught the moon and glinted eerily, he sheathed them again quickly

    ~-~Dark-Blue-eyed Cat~-~

  35. Fallenstrike peered out from behind a bush for any movement, when he saw a flash on the ground. HE hissed, and waited to see if the others had followed him.

  36. *Bluegaze padded out behind Fallenstrike, eyes narrowed. Grayshadow stayed back, herbs in her mouth. Bluegaze swiveled his ears.*

    Others are nearby...

    *Then he felt air rush at him, and he quickly leaped out of the way before the claws could pierce his skin.*

    be careful. They are different from us.

    *Bladedflame nodded, his claws unsheathed.*

    Grayshadow, I'll help you find Ridgefeather.

    *Bluegaze and Grayshadow wandered away, and Bluegaze sniffed the air, smelling a strong scent of blood. Bluegaze shook his head sadly and walked to where Ridgefeather lay. Bluegaze sniffed him, and Grayshadow ran up frantically.*

    Is he okay!?

    *Bluegaze looked at Grayshadow, his eyes seeming to know everything. Currently he could see everything. StarClan sat around Ridgefeather. They talked in hushed voices.*

    Should we take him? He suffering much pain right now...

    *Another StarClan cat sighed.*

    The question is, is it his time?

    *Then, a StarClan cat he recognized stepped forward, Fleckwater.*

    We will only take him if it IS his time to die! He shouldn't have been hurt tonight! We will only take him if he stops trying to fight! He is Coastpebble's kit. My kin. I can't take him away from Coastpebble. She already lost Newkit. Her mate and last kit shouldn't both die tonight.

    *The StarClan cats stared at Fleckwater, feeling great sorrow.*

    We will leave him... for now.

    *Fleckwater nodded, and they disappeared. Bluegaze spoke.*

    He is right at StarClan's paws... Though, still there. By a heartbeat.

    *Grayshadow sniffed Ridgefeather.*

    Someone tore open his neck. H-he's going to die...

    *Bluegaze shook his head.*

    Try to help him. Try to help him until he stops fighting. When he stops fighting is when he takes his last breath.

    *Grayshadow looked at Bluegaze, then started to apply herbs.*


  37. Frostysky padded over to them,her heart thudding "This is terrible!? Who could do this on StarClan's territory to medicine cat? Anything I could do to help?"


  38. We need to get him back to camp...

    *Bluegaze could still see. Ridgefeather glowed slightly, like the StarClan cats that sat around him, watching in worry.*


  39. Frostysky nodded "But how? We cant take him by his scruff! His neck is torn open..."


    The dark-blue eyes cat watched in dissapointment

    I wish we could kill them. That would be fun

    ~-~Dark-Blue eyed cat~-~

  40. *The icy blue eyed cat shook his head. No. That would cause problems for later on. We need to remain mysterious. Plant fake images of ourselves into their heads...*

    :~~Icy-blue eyed cat:

    *Bluegaze shrugged.*

    We just have to get him back now! He's dying...

    *Bluegaze didn't like how the StarClan cats seemed to inch closer and closer to Ridgefeather. Fleckwater's eyes were filled with impending sadness.*

    We're going to lose him...

    *Bluegaze looked around.*

    I'll carry him on my back!

    *Bluegaze grabbed Ridgefeather by the back, and Grayshadow and Frostysky helped to lift Ridgefeather onto Bluegaze's back. I won't let him die. I can't. *

    Stay and make sure everyone else is okay. I'll try to make it back to camp....

    *Bluegaze felt Ridgefeather's dangerously slow heart beat against his back. The medicine cat's fur was very warm. Probably from fever... I won't make it back. He has so little time... And if these attackers come after me. We'll both be dead... Bluegaze nodded to the two she cat's, and raced away, at a smooth pace, trying to make sure the young tom wouldn't fall.

    Bluegaze panted. The MoonCave wasn't that far away from the camp running full speed. The patrol and Bluegaze ran full speed their, but not Bluegaze had to carry another cat, making the trip harder and tedious. Bluegaze could also go faster as he could see since StarClan was running beside him.

    He started to stumble as he grew weary. His paws felt heavy like stones. Luckily, Ridgefeather was hanging on by a thread of life. Bluegaze tried to keep going, and then he saw a white shape running at him, he squinted, and that's when he tripped.

    His front paws slammed into a tree root, and he somersaulted into the air. He saw Ridgefeather hit a tree trunk with a thud, and gasped as he hit the air. Bluegaze struggled to see, and saw the StarClan cats gathering around Ridgefeather. Bluegaze snarled, and closed his eyes, imaging his spirit leaving his body.

    When he re-opened his eyes, he was starry, and he bolted to the group of StarClan cats. he sprang at them snarling.*

    No! You can not take him!

    *Fleckwater stepped forward.*

    Bluegaze... go back into your body. You can die if you stay out long enough!

    *Bluegaze snarled, and took a threatening step forward.*

    I don't care! I won't let you take Ridgefeather!

    *Fleckwater shook his head.*

    It is his time. He is suffering so much. I can feel the pain he is feeling! He wants to die!

    *Bluegaze snarled and leaped at Fleckwater, pinning him down.*

    No cat wants to die when they have a life!

    *Fleckwater pushed Bluegaze away.*

    His life is pretty much already gone. Can't you see. The flame inside of him is going out.

    *Fleckwater took a step towards Bluegaze, and quickly pressed his nose to Bluegaze's head.*


    *But that's all Bluegaze could say before he was back in his body gasping for air still.

    Bluegaze saw the white shape running towards him, and he could finally see what it was. Apollo... The large white wolf that was supposed to take care of Everlight. Apollo stopped at Bluegaze.*

    Bluegaze!? Are you okay?

    *Bluegaze nodded, his eyes darting to Ridgefeather. Fleckwater was stepping forward, preparing to take Ridgefeather into StarClan. Then Bluegaze croaked out.*

    Save Ridgefeather... get him back to camp!

    *Apollo shook his head.*

    He will only die at the camp as I am bringing him.

    *Bluegaze closed his eyes.*

    Please try and save him!

    *Apollo stared at Ridgefeather, then looked around. Two-leg nests were seen on the horizon.*

    I will, but the only way may have to be is to bring him to the Two-legs....

    *Bluegaze whimpered.*

    Just save him... I don't care what it takes. I'll be fine.

    *Apollo nodded, and picked up Ridgefeather gently, before racing off to the two-leg nests.*

    :~~Bluegaze, StarClan, Apollo:

  41. The dark blue eyed cat looked dissapointed



  42. *The icy blue eyed cat smiled. Attack if you wish. I'm done for tonight. Then, he put a fake body onto himself, making himself visible, but not being able to be harmed*

    :~~Icy blue eyed cat:

    *Apollo ran as fast as he could, and stopped at a nest that smelled strongly of cat. He leaped over the fence, place Ridgefeather down, then leaped back over, barking loudly. A female two-leg came out, and then gasped as she saw Ridgefeather's mangled body. She made some sounds, and Apollo saw Ridgefeather being picked up. He heard doors slam, and then saw a Monster leave the nest.*

    Good luck...

    *Apollo walked to some shelter, and lay down.*


  43. Nah I'm tired

    ~-~Dark-blue-eyed cat~-~

  44. The green-eyed cat came over, rolling his eyes.

    Tired? Since when?

    >Green-eyed cat<

  45. The dark-blue eyed cat rolled his eyes

    I was making a point

    ~-~Dark-blue eyed cat~-~

  46. *The icy blue eyed cat nodded. We've done enough. Let them tire themselves out looking. Then he laughed. You can continue if you want. Whee have you been?

    :~Icy blue eyed cat:

    *The starClan cats watched from the sky.*

    I can't believe Bluegaze let Apollo take him to the Two-legs! If it was me, I would rather die...

    *A white and black she-cat padded up to Fleckwater.*

    If he lives and escapes, wouldn't you be happy?

    *Fleckwater looked away.*

    I don't know Turningpaw. I don't know!

    &Fleckwater grumbled, and felt Turningpaw's presence leave.*


    *Bluegaze slowly got up, his muscles aching. He started to pad back to the MoonCave.*


    *Grayshadow sniffed the air. They had found Stormbreak's body, but no sign of the attackers.*

    Should we go? There's no point in all of us getting killed.


  47. I've been... out. The green-eyed cat snickered.


  48. Birchstorm hid the look of dissapointment of not getting to battle in his eyes, and it faded, the cold fire died from his eyes "Yea."


    The Dark-blue eyed cat yawned

    It is so BORING right now. When will it be our time?

    ~-~Dark Blue-eyed Cat~-~

  49. *The icy blue eyed cat shrugged. After the big battle. It's soon. I can feel it. Out? Hrump. Seems like "out" means something I don't think I want to know about.*

    :~~Icy blue eyed cat:

    *Grayshadow flicked her tail to frostysky, and the other she-cat helped to pick up Stormbreak's body.*


  50. Your are definitely correct there. He laughed.

    >Green-eyed cat<

  51. Frostysky nodded


    Out.... Ok?.......

    ~-~Dark-Blue- Eyed Cat~-~

  52. *He rolled his eyes. Great.*

    :~~Icy blue eyed cat:

    *Grayshadow walked slowly, her mind buzzing.*


    *Bluegaze winced, and looked around. It would take him a while to get back to the other's at the pace. I'll just go back to camp.*


    (Now the LakeClan cat's, pretend they are at camp. I'm making a post.)

  53. Dark-Blue-Eyed Cat yawned

    So what else are we going ot do?


  54. *The icy blue eyed cat shrugged. Wait. The battle is soon.*

    :~~icy blue eyed cat:
